Embracing a more barefoot-friendly lifestyle does more than just improve your foot health.
Sandy Ziya
Knowing how to stay healthy and strong during these times can be difficult. Join Functional Medicine Physician Dr. Sandy Ziya of Meridians and Marathons to empower, educate, and energize yourself on the journey to stay immune-strong!
The Organic Acids Test (OAT) is a urine test that offers a comprehensive metabolic snapshot of a patient’s overall health with 76 markers. It is an ideal place to start to identify nutritional needs and gut imbalances.
As neither a vaccine nor an established treatment protocol for COVID-19 is currently available, Dr. Sandy Ziya has crafted the following in consideration of prevention and treatment.
Telemedicine is a remote method for “visiting” with a healthcare practitioner. Utilizing some sort of Electronic Medical Record (EMR) application, appointments can be scheduled for video or audio conferencing.
In my practice, I prescribe botanicals, nutraceuticals and supplements. However, due to the nature of the SARS cov-2 virus, for now, hold off on supplementing with vitamins A and D beyond 1000 IU’s and with the propolis bee spray and royal jelly. These have a modulatory effect by their nature in human biochemistry – meaning they can up-regulate or down-regulate a function based on what is needed. The effect of the virus on these vitamins is they can actually turn inflammation on to a level the body cannot manage effectively. You may continue to eat foods that have these vitamins in them.
Please know that you are supported and cared for either virtually or in person as we go through these trying times during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are some tips and strategies that I would use to contain this virus and protect yourself and keep those around you protected.
Functional Medicine Physician Sandy Ziya at Meridians & Marathons located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, talks about ways to protect yourself during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dr. Sandy Ziya, functional medicine practitioner at Meridians and Marathons, has changed my life.
Functional Medicine Physician Sandy Ziya engaged an eager audience to explain Functional Medicine and how this alternative healthcare can help you lead a happier, healthier life.